Privacy & Cookie Policy

Here is the data that is collected and how it is used on the Lio Piccolo in bici website –

Cookies consist of portions of code installed within the browser that assist the Owner in providing the service based on the purposes described. Some of the purposes of installing Cookies may also require the User’s consent.

User contacts

User contacts

Contact form (homepage and contact page)
Personal Data: email and name.


Google Analytics
Personal Data: Cookies and usage data.


To improve user navigation (e.g. to ensure that pop-ups do not reappear after the first viewing).
Personal data collected: Cookies and usage data

Data controller


30013 Cavallino-Treporti (VE) – Via Thaon di Revel Paolo n. 56/A
P.IVA: 04414190274
Tel. +39 328 8222596


Pursuant to art. 13 of D.lgs. n. 196/2003 and of Reg. UE 2016/679, and in relation to the personal data collected by the Lio Piccolo in bici website –, will come into possession, we inform you of the following:

1. Purpose of data processing

The processing is aimed at collecting, storing and processing data to access the specific services of the website and/or to respond to requests sent via e-mail to the Data Controller.

Only in the case of specific, distinct and valid consent of the interested party will the processing be directed to the collection, storage and processing of data for marketing purposes, i.e. sending advertising material, direct sales, carrying out commercial research and commercial communication, with particular reference to the processing of the e-mail address.

Only in the case of specific, distinct and valid consent of the interested party, the processing will be directed at the collection, storage and processing of data for profiling purposes, i.e. to improve services based on customer needs and in order to obtain information on behaviors and habits.

2. Method and legal basis of processing

The processing can be carried out with or without the aid of electronic or automated tools. The processing is carried out by the individual data processors specifically appointed under the supervision and according to the indications of the Data Controller and/or of the various specifically appointed data processors. The legal basis of the processing, to respond to requests sent via email to the Data Controller, can be found in the provisions of the art. 6 Reg. UE 2016/679 lett. b) (the processing is necessary for the execution of a contract of which the interested party is a party or the execution of pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the same) and, for each purpose, specifically, distinct and valid consent of the interested party.

3. Provision of data and retention period

The provision of common personal data referred to in this information is not mandatory but is strictly necessary to access the specific services of the website and/or to respond to requests sent via email to the Data Controller. In the case of mere requests for information and access to specific services of the site, if cancellation/opposition is not legitimately requested, the data will be kept only for the period necessary to provide the requested service and, in any case, no later than 6 months from last communication/access by the interested party. For the various marketing or profiling purposes, in the event that cancellation/opposition is not legitimately requested, the data will be retained for a period of 24 months (for marketing) and 12 months (for profiling) from the moment of granting of consent reported below. For the interested party it will be possible to revoke the consent at any time with consequent immediate interruption of the processing of the data provided, even only for the specific purposes for which the consent was revoked.

4. Refusal to provide data and consent to marketing and profiling activities

Any refusal by the interested party to provide personal data as provided for in point 3, or incorrect communication of such data, will make it impossible to carry out the activities referred to in point 1.
In any case, failure to consent or revocation of consent to marketing and profiling activities will not affect in any way access to the service or the response to the request sent to the Owner.

5. Communication and dissemination of data

Personal data may be communicated for the purposes referred to in point 1 to public/private entities for which communication is mandatory or necessary in fulfillment of legal obligations and to constitutional bodies or bodies of constitutional importance that are entitled to request them. Personal data are not subject to disclosure.

6. Rights of the interested party and possibility of complaint

The art. 7 of the Code and the Reg. EU 2016/679 grant the interested party specific rights, including that of access to their personal data and their making available in an intelligible form; the interested party also has the right to obtain the updating, rectification (if incorrect), integration (if incomplete) or cancellation of the data (in case of unlawful processing, data portability (right to receive or have the data transmitted data to another owner in a structured format, commonly used and readable by automatic device) revocation of consent (if legal basis for the processing) transformation into anonymous form or blocking/limitation of data processed in violation of the law; the interested party has right to object, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of data. With reference to the processing of the data provided, in the event that the interested party should identify violations of the legislation on privacy, he will have the right to lodge a complaint with the Privacy Guarantor. The interested party may exercise his rights by making a request to the Data Controller or Data Processor (also requesting the latter to receive specific forms and the complete list of appointed managers).

7. Consent

The interested party certifies his/her free consent for the Data Controller to proceed with the processing of the personal data provided

  • to access the specific services of the website and/or to respond to requests sent via email to the Owner;
  • for marketing activities;
  • for profiling activities.

Use of cookies

This site uses cookies to make the browsing experience simple and effective for those who view its pages.
Users who view the site will see minimal amounts of information inserted into the devices in use, whether computers or mobile devices, in small text files called “cookies” saved in the directories used by the user’s web browser.
By disabling cookies some of the site’s features may not work properly.
There are various types of cookies, some to make use of the Site more effective, others to enable certain features.
Our cookies allow us to memorize the preferences entered, avoid re-entering the same information several times and analyze the use of the site to optimize the browsing experience.

Types of Cookies used on this site

Technical Cookies

This type of cookie is strictly necessary for the correct functioning of some sections of the site. They are of two categories: persistent and session cookies:

1) persistent: once the browser is closed they are not destroyed but remain until a preset expiration date;

2) of sessions: they are destroyed every time the browser is closed.

These cookies, always sent from our domain, are necessary to correctly display the site and in relation to the technical services offered, they will therefore always be used and sent, unless the user changes the settings in their browser (thus invalidating the display of the pages of the site).

Analytical Cookies

These cookies are used to collect information on the use of the site.
This information is used for anonymous statistical analyzes in order to improve the use of the site and to make the contents more interesting and relevant to the wishes of the users. This type of cookie collects anonymous data on user activity and how it arrived on the site. Analytical cookies are sent from the site itself or from third-party domains.

Analysis cookies from third-party services

These cookies are used to collect anonymous information on the use of the site by users such as: pages visited, time spent, origins of the traffic of origin, geographical origin, age, gender and interests for the purposes of marketing campaigns. These cookies are sent from third-party domains external to the site.

Cookies to integrate third-party software products and functions

This type of cookie integrates functions developed by third parties within the pages of the site such as icons and preferences expressed in social networks for the purpose of sharing the contents of the site or for the use of third-party software services (such as software for generate maps and other software that offers additional services). These cookies are sent from third-party domains and partner sites that offer their functionality on the pages of the Site.

Profiling cookies

These are those cookies necessary to create user profiles in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user within the pages of the Site.

We do not use profiling cookies on our site.

On this site, according to current legislation, we are not required to ask for consent for technical cookies, as they are necessary to provide the requested services.

For all other types of cookies, consent can be expressed by the user with one or more of the following methods:

1) Through specific configurations of the browser used or the related computer programs used to navigate the pages that make up the site;

2) By changing the settings when using third-party services.

These solutions may prevent the user from using or viewing parts of the Site.

The Site may also contain links to other websites that have their own privacy policy which may be different from the one adopted by this site and which therefore is not responsible for these sites.